Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Healthier Me

Today, after a 10 day stint with bronchitis, I am starting to feel like I am back on the planet.

I feel for anyone prone to this stuff. I am usually not, but I flew home to visit my parents and must have caught a bug. (another thing to blame my parents for - my height (or lack thereof) and now this. They will be so happy)

So anyway. By the way, I say "so anyway" and "by the way" a lot.
So anyway, before I left for Minnesnowtah, I was starting my quest (for about the 20th time) to remove these darn 20 pounds from my body. I love to gain and lose the same 20 pounds. Really annoying.

I have been completely frustrated that I have been sick and unable to really workout or anything and my mind was in position to go-go-go.

So today I feel better and I am go-go-then tuckering out still. So I thought instead of working out, I would focus on my food habits. I'm nixing dairy from my diet for the next 6 months to see if it makes me feel better and helps me lose weight.

Other than that, in my life today I am working with Shea Vaughn and Sara Sullivan to develop our fitness challenge on Best Ever You. I am also working with Emily and Liz on the February Magazine.

We spent a fair shake of the morning cleaning up the house and driving kids to bowling, friends houses and tonight one of our kiddos has baseball.

We also wrote our blog this morning at Best Ever You 365.

Have a Best Ever You Kinda Day!


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